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R 227.95
- Most synthetic cold medications focus on treating symptoms as rapidly as possible, by suppressing key immune system components, however these medications can prolong the recovery process.
- Engystol® tackles flu-like infections and colds at the root by stimulating the body's initial defence mechanisms and in this way helps to overcome the cold at an early stage.
- This is ensured among other things by the natural ingredients Swallowwort and Sulfur. Swallowwort, also called Vincetoxicum hirundinaria, has an anti-inflammatory and supporting effect on the immune system.
- Sulfur acts against the inflammation of the mucous membranes, mainly found in the throat at the beginning of a cold.
- When you are experiencing an onset of cold or flu-like symptoms, you may take Engystol® more often to combat the virus:
- Adults and children over 12: In case of acute complaints, dissolve 1 tablet in your mouth every 30 to 60 minutes, no more than 6 times a day.
- Children 6-11: In case of acute complaints, take 2/3 of a tablet every 30 to 60 minutes, no more than 6 times a day. Dissolve 1 tablet in approx. 150 ml of water. Give your child 2/3 of the amount and discard the rest.
- Children 1-5: In case of acute complaints, take 1/2 of a tablet every 30 to 60 minutes, no more than 6 times a day. Dissolve 1 tablet in approx. 150 ml of water. Give your child 1/2 of the amount and discard the rest.