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-{[{ ((ps.selectedVariant.compare_at_price - ps.selectedVariant.price) / ps.selectedVariant.compare_at_price * 100 ) | number:0 }]} % HIMALAYA DIABECON - Himalaya | Energize Health

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking this product.

If you suffer from allergies and intolerances, please always check product labeling, warnings, and directions provided with the product that is delivered, prior to use or consumption.


R 191.95
  • Reduces high blood glucose levels and can be used on its own or as an adjuvant to other antidiabetic drugs.
  • Its action primarily involves increasing insulin secretion, and ultimately reduces long-term complications associated with diabetes.
  • Combats diabetes: The natural ingredients in Diabecon increase insulin secretion in the body. By reducing the glycated hemoglobin level (form of hemoglobin used to measure glucose content in the blood) level, normalizing microalbuminuria (a condition which is an important prognostic marker for kidney disease in diabetes mellitus) and modulating the lipid profile, Diabecon minimizes long-term diabetic complications. The drug also increases hepatic and muscle glycogen content, which enhances the peripheral utilization of glucose.
  • Anti-hyperglycemic: Diabecon reduces high glucose content in the blood. Effective hyperglycemic control is important in preventing micro- and macrovascular complications (large and small blood vessels) arising from diabetes.


  • Monotherapy: 1 tablet 2 x a day before food
  • Adjuvant therapy: 2 tablets once a day before food


  • Balsamodendron 30mg, Mukul (purified) 30mg, Shilajeet (purified) 30mg
  • Extracts: Meshashringi (Gymnema sylvestre) 30mg, Pitasara (Pterocarpus marsupium) 20mg, Yashti-madhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) 20mg, Saptarangi (Casearia esculenta) 20mg, Jambu (Eugenia jambolana Syn. Syzygium cumini) 20mg, Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) 20mg, Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa) 20mg, Mundatika (Sphaeranthus indicus) 10mg, Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) 10mg, Kairata (Swertia chirata Syn. S.chirayita) 10mg, Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) 10mg , Bhumyamalaki (Phyllanthus amarus) 10mg, Gumbhari (Gmelina arborea) 10mg, Karpasi (Gossypium herbaceum) 10mg, Daru haridra (Berberis aristata) 5mg, Kumari (Aloe vera Syn. A.barbadensis) 5mg, Triphala 3mg.
  • Powders: Vidangadi lauham 27mg, Momordica charantia 20mg, Piper nigrum10mg, Ocimum sanctum 10mg, Abutilon indicum 10mg, Cucuma longa 10mg, Abkrak bhasma 10mg, Praval bhasma 10mg, Rumex maritimus 5mg, Vang bhasma 5mg, Akik pishi 5mg, Shingraf 5mg, Yashad bhasma 5mg, Trikatu 5mg.

Ingredient facts:

  • Gymnema’s (Meshashringi) principal constituent is gymnemic acid, which has antidiabetic properties. It reduces excessive blood sugar. It also has a regenerative effect on pancreatic beta cells and is insulinotropic, which means that it stimulates the production and activity of insulin. Gymnema temporarily abolishes the taste for sugar and helps decrease sugar cravings. It increases the activity of enzymes responsible for glucose absorption and utilization.
  • Indian Kino Tree’s (Pitasara) principal constituent, epicatechin, has alpha-glucosidase inhibitory properties and regularizes key metabolic enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Shilajeet decreases hepatic glucose production and prevents hyperglycemia. Shilajeet has a protective action on b-cells of the pancreas and promotes unrestricted endogenous insulin action.


If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking this product.

If you suffer from allergies and intolerances, please always check product labeling, warnings, and directions provided with the product that is delivered, prior to use or consumption.

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