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-{[{ ((ps.selectedVariant.compare_at_price - ps.selectedVariant.price) / ps.selectedVariant.compare_at_price * 100 ) | number:0 }]} % Natura Injura Pain and Inflammation

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking this product.

If you suffer from allergies and intolerances, please always check product labeling, warnings, and directions provided with the product that is delivered, prior to use or consumption.


R 151.95
A homeopathic medicine which assists in the treatment of localised physical trauma and superficial injuries including bruises, muscular strains and sprains, as well as insect bites and stings.

Homoeopathic complementary medicine:
Each 1ml of liquid contains:
  • Anamirta cocculus (Cocculus) Spag D30
  • Arnica montana D3
  • Atropa belladonna (Belladonna) D6
  • Calendula officinalis D3
  • Causticum D6
  • Echinacea angustifolia D4
  • Hypericum perforatum D3
  • Ledum palustre D6
  • Ruta graveolens Spag D8
  • Symphytum officinale Spag D4
  • Preservative: 20% Alcohol
Ingredient facts:
  • Anamirta cocculus is indicated for lameness, trembling, weakness and pain in limbs.
  • Arnica montana has an anti-inflammatory action and is indicated following injury or trauma of any kind, no matter how long ago, that causes muscular aches, stiffness or strain, bruising and swelling.
  • Atropa belladonna has an anti-inflammatory action and treats swollen joints and stiffness and pain of the back, hip and thigh muscles.
  • Calendula officinalis promotes healing of wounds by successful, rapid granulation and has a haemostatic action particularly after tooth extraction. It promotes healing of scalds and burn wounds without scarring.
  • Causticum acts on the joints and muscles to relieve stiffness between the shoulders, left-sided sciatica, tearing and burning sensation in the joints, weakness and loss of sensation in the forearms and hands, contracted tendons and right-sided facial paralysis.
  • Echinacea angustifolia acts on the immune and lymphatic systems to stop the progress of acute, suppurating infections and raises the resistance in case of disease and injury. It has sedative effects and relieves aching in the limbs and general lethargy.
  • Hypericum perforatum acts on the peripheral nervous system to repair crushed nerve endings following injury, relieve post-operative and post-injury pain and heal puncture wounds. It is useful following animal bites.
  • Ledum palustre is indicated for pain relief and healing of puncture wounds and insect stings and relieves burning pain anywhere in the body. It also treats easy spraining of the ankle.
  • Ruta graveolens acts on the periosteum of bones and cartilage to relieve pain and stiffness in the neck, back, groin, Achilles tendon, wrists and hands.
  • Symphytum officinale stimulates the growth of epithelium to promote rapid healing of wounds, sinews and tendons. It speeds up the union of bone ends after fracture and heals injury to the eye after a blow with a blunt object.


  • 10 drops directly on the tongue or diluted with a little water three times daily.
  • May be taken hourly in acute cases while symptoms are severe. Infants:
  • Dilute with water and allow to stand for a short time before administering.
  • Reduce dosage with improvement of symptoms.


If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking this product.

If you suffer from allergies and intolerances, please always check product labeling, warnings, and directions provided with the product that is delivered, prior to use or consumption.

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